Give Their Kids Such Why Did Bible People Funny Names?

Give their kids such why did bible people funny names?

Answer: In ancient times, especially among the Jewish people, a person’s name was very special. Usually it said something about the person or about the parents’ dreams for their child.

For example, Jedidiah means “lover of God.” Sometimes God told prophets to give their children names with special messages. Hosea named his children Lo-ruhamah and Lo-ammi.

Lo-ruhamah means “not loved,” and Lo-ammi means “not my people.” By giving his children these unusual names, Hosea was giving God’s message to the people.

But usually names from other countries and cultures sound strange to us because we’re not used to them. Names may sound funny to us, but not to the people in that country.

Your name would probably sound funny to the people of Israel.

Key verses: Soon Gomer had another child. This one was a daughter. And God said to Hosea, “Name her Lo- ruhamah. This means ‘No more mercy.’ For I will have no more mercy upon Israel.

I will not forgive her again. But I will have mercy on the tribe of Judah. I will free her from her enemies. I will do so without any help from her armies or weapons.”

Once Lo-ruhamah was no longer a baby, Gomer gave birth to a son. And God said, “Call him Lo-Ammi. This means ‘Not my people.’ For Israel is not mine, and I am not her God.” (Hosea 1:6-9)

Related verses: Genesis 30:8; 1 Samuel 25:25; Isaiah 8:1-4; Matthew 1:21

Does satan know about the bible?

Answer: Satan knows all about the Bible. He even knows what it says. But Satan certainly doesn’t follow what the Bible teaches. In fact, he does every- thing he can to stop people from obeying God’s Word.

Just because someone knows the truth doesn’t mean that he or she will do it. Satan is a liar, the father of lies. He has lied and twisted the truth so much that he has fooled himself into thinking that what the Bible predicts won’t happen.

Satan thinks that he can beat God and escape his punishment. But the Bible tells the truth. Eventually God will totally wipe out Satan and his demons.

Key verses: Are there still some among you who hold that “only believing” is enough? Is believing in one God enough? Well, remember that the demons believe this. And they shake with fear! Fool! Don’t you know that “believing” is useless unless you do what God wants? Faith that does not result in good deeds is not real faith. (James 2:19-20)

Related verses: Matthew 4:6; John 5:39-40

Related question: If Satan knows the Bible, why doesn’t he believe it?

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