Does God Have Friends Or Is He Alone?

Does god have friends or is he alone?

Answer: God doesn’t have other “gods” to be friends with. He is the only God there is. God doesn’t need friends the way we do; he is perfectly happy being alone. But God also wants to have friendship with us.

In fact, God wants to be our closest friend. So he has done a lot to make friends with us and to have our friendship. That’s why he created us, sent Jesus to save us, gave us the Bible, and gave us the church.

Key verses: And you are my friends if you obey me. I no longer call you slaves. For a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends. This is proved by the fact that I have told you all that the Father told me. (John 15:14-15)

Related verses: Genesis 1:26; John 17:3

Related questions: Are there other gods? Does God ever get lonely?

Where does god live?

Answer: Sometimes we think of God as though he were another person like us. And just as we can only be one place at a time and we need a place to live, we think that God is the same way.

But God isn’t limited to a physical body or to one place at a time. In fact, God lives everywhere, especially inside people who love him. We call church “God’s house” because that’s where people who love God gather together to worship him.

But no matter where we are, God is with us. We can never be lost to his love. God also lives in heaven-eventually, we will live there, too.

Key verses: [Solomon is speaking] “But is it possible that God would live on earth? Why, even the skies and the highest heavens cannot hold you! This Temple I have built will not be able to hold you either! And yet, O Lord my God, you have heard and answered what I asked.

Please watch over this Temple night and day. For this is the place you have promised to live. Please listen to my prayers here, whether by night or by day. Listen to every prayer of the people of Israel. Listen to them when they face this place to pray. Yes, hear in heaven where you live. And when you hear, forgive.” (1 Kings 8:27-30)

Related verses: Psalm 139:7-12; Acts 17:24-29; Romans 8:38-39; Ephesians 4:8-10

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