Didn’t The Tongues Of Fire On Th

Didn’t The Tongues Of Fire On Th

Answer: The tongues of fire that appeared on the heads of the disciples (after Jesus had gone back to heaven) symbolized the Holy Spirit who had come into their lives.

The “tongues” weren’t mouth-tongues, but tongues of fire. This “fire” wasn’t real fire that burns things; it looked like fire, so that’s how people described it.

Everyone watching knew that something very special was happening. And when they listened, they heard their own language being spoken by people who hadn’t learned the language.

It was obvious that God was speaking through these people.

Key verses: Then, what looked like flames of fire settled on their heads. Everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit.

They began speaking in languages they didn’t even know. For the Holy Spirit gave them the ability to do this. (Acts 2:3-4)

Related verses: Acts 2:1-13

Related questions: When the Holy Spirit came on the people, why were there tongues of fire on their heads? How come the sound of a wind came when the Holy Spirit came?

How Could The Angel Unlock Peter Out Of Jail Without Keys?

Answer: The angel freed Peter through God’s power. Herod wanted to kill Peter to make some of the other leaders happy.

He had Peter arrested and sentenced to death. The night before he was going to be killed, God sent an angel to rescue Peter.

He woke Peter up, and the chains fell off Peter’s wrists. Then Peter and the angel walked away from the soldiers without waking any of them up.

God made the iron gate open up when they walked up to it. The angel left him when they got outside.

Peter could hardly believe what had happened – and neither could his friends who were praying for him! (Acts 12:12-16)

Key verses: The night before he was to be killed, he was asleep. He was chained between two soldiers.

And others were standing guard by the prison gate. But suddenly there was a light in the cell! And an Angel of the Lord stood beside Peter!

The Angel slapped him on the side to wake him up. Then he said, “Quick! Get up!” And the chains fell off his wrists! (Acts 12:6-7)

Related verses: Psalm 68:6; Acts 5:12-29

Related questions: Why did Peter go to jail? Why did the angel let Peter out of jail?

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