Did People In The Bible Have Christmas?

Did People In The Bible Have Christmas?

Answer: Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Christ. Many years after Jesus was born, Christians decided to celebrate his birth.

They chose December 25 as the day to observe it. December 25 is probably not the exact day Jesus was born, but that’s not important.

What is important is that we remember and celebrate the birth of Jesus, our Savior, not that we get presents, get time off from school, or get to eat a lot of sweets.

Key verse: Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem, in Judea. He was born during the reign of King Herod. (Matthew 2:1)

Related verses: Isaiah 9:6-7; 16:5; Micah 5:2; Matthew 1:18-2:11; Luke 2:1-20

Related questions: When was Christmas made? Was Jesus really born on Christmas? Why isn’t Santa Claus in the Bible?

Note to parents: If your children ask about Santa Claus, explain that he was a person whom people have used to help celebrate Christmas.

Many years ago, the real St. Nicholas was a man who helped poor children at Christmas time by giving them gifts.

Since that time, the story has grown so that today we talk about Santa Claus, with his flying reindeer, who delivers presents to children all over the world. Santa isn’t real, but Jesus is.

Why Do Angels Light Up And Get Bright?

Answer: When the angels came to tell about Jesus’ birth, they glowed brightly. But angels don’t always appear that way.

When angels appeared to Abraham, for example, he thought they were ordinary men and offered them an evening meal (see Genesis 18:1-5).

Angels may become bright to reflect God and his glory, or just whenever it is necessary, such as at night (which was when the angels appeared to the shepherds).

As God’s messengers, it’s only fitting that they would light up and get bright because that’s how it is in heaven, where they stand with God: “And the city has no need of sun or moon to light it.

The glory of God and of the Lamb give it light” (Revelation 21:23).

Key verse: Suddenly an angel was there with them! And the hills shone bright with the glory of the Lord. They were very afraid. (Luke 2:9)

Related verses: Genesis 19:1; Exodus 3:2; Judges 13:6, 15, 20; Luke 1:11-20; 2:9-13

Related question: Why were shepherds afraid of angels?

Note to parents: People have many ideas about angels.

Some think angels made regular appearances to biblical folks; in fact, they rarely did. Some think of angels as men with wings, yet many accounts don’t mention wings.

Some people speak of guardian angels, but the Bible describes angels as God’s messengers, not our guardians.

And some think too much of angels; Samson’s parents tried to worship an angel and were told not to, and Hebrews 1 reminds us that Christ is superior to any angel.

Your children may have different ideas about angels. Remember to look to God’s Word for the truth.


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