Dad, Why Do I Need Two Fathers, You And God?

Dad, why do I need two fathers, you and god?

A: We call God “our Father” because he created us, watches over us, and provides everything we need. He’s like a human father, only perfect. God has given us human fathers and mothers to take care of us on earth.

That’s why God tells children to obey their parents and their heavenly Father-it’s for their own good.

Key verse: (Jesus, is speaking] “You sinful men even know how to give good gifts to your children. So won’t your Father in Heaven be sure to give good gifts to those who ask him for them?” (Matthew 7:11)

Related verses: Exodus 20: 12; Ephesians 6:1-3

Related questions: What does it mean that God is our Father? What’s the same and different about human fathers and God? Why does God say kids have to obey their parents?

Question: Does god see everything that we do?

Answer: Yes, God sees everything we do, both good and bad. We can’t hide from him. God is happy when we do what is right and sad when we do wrong. God can reward us for doing what’s right, even when no one else knows about it.

Key verses: [Elihu is speaking] “For God watches the deeds of all mankind. He sees them all. No darkness is thick enough to hide evil men from his eyes.” (Job 34: 21-22)

Related verses: Job 11:11; 31:4; Psalm 147:5; Matthew 10:28-31

Related questions: Does God see the bad things I do? How can God know everything? How can God see everywhere?

Note to parents: This question may arise from a guilty conscience. Your child may want to talk about something that he or she did.

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