Can You Have More Than One Best Friend?

Can You Have More Than One Best Friend?

Answer: God wants us to be loving and kind to all people. If you are doing that, you probably will know many kids who like you and want to be your friend.

Friends are great, and it’s fun to have a lot of them. You can have many good friends, and you don’t have to put them in order of who’s best.

You may have one or two friends who are closer than all the others. But be careful about saying that one person is your very best friend.

That may make the others feel bad. And don’t say that one person is your “best friend” just to make another friend angry or jealous or because you want to exclude the other person.

You can have a favorite food, but you don’t have to have a best friend. You can be the best kind of friend to many people.

Key verse: Always try to be kind to others. Especially be kind to other Christians. (Galatians 6:10)

Related verse: Proverbs 17:17

Related question: What if somebody wants to be my best friend but I don’t want to be theirs?

Note to parents: Encourage your children to be loyal friends, respectful of others’ feelings and preferences.

Caution them about describing any of their friends as “best friends” if they have other friends who may feel hurt by not having that title.

Encourage them to concentrate on being a best friend rather than on getting a best friend. Everything the Bible says about loving others applies to friendship.

How Can I Love My Enemies?

Answer: By doing kind things for them, wishing them well, and praying for them. Loving your enemies also means forgiving them and not condemning them.

It means that rather than fighting back or trying to hurt them, you treat them like a friend.

If you think that sounds hard to do, you’re right! Enemies don’t like us and are out to hurt us.

They may push us, hit us, call us names, and try to get us into trouble. We don’t have to like what they do to us.

But with the help of God’s Holy Spirit, we can love them. After all, that’s what God did for us.

God can do anything – even change people. Who knows- today’s enemies may turn out to be tomorrow’s friends.

Key verses: Love your enemies! Do good to them! Lend to them! And don’t worry about the fact that they won’t pay you back.

Then your reward from Heaven will be very great. And you will truly be acting like sons of God.

For he is kind to the unthankful and those who are wicked. Try to show as much mercy as your Father does.

Never criticize or condemn. If you do, it will all come back on you. Go easy on others. Then they will do the same for you. (Luke 6:35-37)

Related verses: Romans 12:17-21

Related question: What should I do about the bullies at school?

Note to parents: Every conflict with others is an opportunity for us to learn how to love.

Encourage your child to turn conflicts into opportunities to be friendly and loving toward others.

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