Are Beatitudes Short For Bad Attitudes?

Are Beatitudes Short For Bad Attitudes?

Answer: Jesus taught a short sermon called the Beatitudes to describe good attitudes, the attitudes that God wants us to have.

The word beatitude means “blessed.” Jesus said that whoever followed him should be poor in spirit, merciful, honest, and should expect rejection from others for being his follower.

Jesus’ disciples may have been thinking that they would become rich, famous, and powerful by following him, but Jesus was telling them that they should expect their rewards in heaven.

Key verses: One day, Jesus looked out and saw the crowds around him. So he went up the hillside with his disciples. He sat down and taught them there. (Matthew 5:1-2)

Related verses: Matthew 5:1-12

Related question: What was the most important thing that Jesus taught about?

If Jesus Doesn’t Want Us To Get Hurt, Why Did He Tell Us To Chop Our Hands Off And Poke Our Eyes Out?

Answer: When Jesus spoke about cutting off a hand or poking out an eye, he was purposely exaggerating to make his point.

This is called hyperbole. It’s like saying, “I’d give anything to have an ice cream cone right now,” Even though you wouldn’t actually do anything, you want everyone to know how badly you want it.

Jesus wanted to make people realize how bad sin is; it’s so bad that you should get rid of anything that makes you sin.

Jesus didn’t want us actually to cut off our hands or poke out our eyes. Cutting off your hand won’t get you to heaven and won’t get rid of sin in your life.

But saying it that way shows us how important it is to sacrifice habits, friendships, or attitudes that cause us to sin.

Key verse: “So if your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better to enter Heaven crippled than to be in hell with both of your hands and feet.” (Matthew 18:8)

Related verses: Matthew 5:29-30;18:7-9

Note to parents: Jesus was also addressing the issue of legalism; the religious leaders were very concerned about keeping every letter of the law, and they had added hundreds of rules and regulations of their own.

In effect, Jesus was saying that if they were serious about keeping the law, they should take drastic action.

The point? Putting out an eye doesn’t stop a child from envying his friend’s bike; envy comes from the heart and involves the mind and imagination, not just what a person sees.

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